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FRANGIPANI in bowl.jpg
We stock different 
 of Frangipani and Adenium
 grown here
in New Zealand, 
from the best seeds
 around the World.

About us

We are a co-operative nursery specializing in exotic tropical

frangipani and adenium.

The frangipani is commonly referred to as "Plumeria" throughout the Americas and also as the "Temple Flower" alluding to its place of origin,  the Central Americas.  It is after this more romantic name that we have named our business, "Glass Temple Nurseries".  

Our greenhouses are in two locations in the Franklin district of Auckland. All of our plants are grown in greenhouses from imported seed.  Adenium  can live outside during the warmer months of the year in Auckland and north of Auckland and frangipani can grow outside in the garden year round north of Auckland and in sheltered parts of Auckland.  Both frangipani and adenium do extremely well as potted plants that can be moved indoors over winter. 

Both enjoy a  free draining potting mix. Water more throughout summer and  give little to no watering during winter dormancy.  

The frangipani is well known for its powerful fragrance making it a wonderful addition to the home patio or conservatory.  It is the flower used in leis and conjures up images of tropical paradises and endless summers making it the ideal gift!  The hard to come by adenium is a spectacular and unusual looking plant displaying an impressive caudex year-round, and when in flower will take your breath away. An ideal gift!

Basic care of your frangipani

 If you receive your plant already potted, it will need no further potting for a further 12 months.  
While your plant is actively growing, water it when it gets dry and then allow to dry out again before further watering.  A general-purpose flowering fertilizer can be used after the first 6 months to help encourage flowering.  The first months will be covered by a quick-release fertilizer already in the mix.  
Keep your plant in a nice sunny, sheltered position where it will get at least 6 full hours of sun each day.
As the weather gets cooler, you will notice that growth will start to slow down and the leaves may start to drop, depending on where it is located. At this point it may be brought inside to overwinter.  Reduce watering right back to once a week and then withhold entirely if there has been total leaf loss.  If this happens, it is perfectly normal.  All it means is that the plant has gone into dormancy.  It will require no special attention at this stage and can even be stored in a back room out of direct light. If your plant is planted in the garden it will need to be in a frost free area, perhaps under an eave, to overwinter.  If not, it is fine to dig it up and bring it inside.
As the weather warms again, the plant will grow new leaves from the tip.  At this time place in a nice sunny spot. It will appreciate small amounts of water to help wake it up.  


Basic care of your Adenium

Your adenium will be potted in a free draining medium containing both quick release and slow release fertilisers. It can stay in this pot as long as you wish.  Adenium, unlike most other plants, will do well pot bound. By allowing this to happen, you will notice the fleshy caudex will increase dramatically in size, giving your plant its own special character. 
If you desire to raise your plant to show off more of the developing caudex, then repot into a new pot the following spring. You can raise it up to 3 cm further above the old soil level. To prevent burning of the newly revealed caudex, keep your plant in the shade for a few weeks to adjust. The potting mix you use needs to have at least 60% draining material such as coarse sand, perlite or pumice.
Generally, keep in a nice sunny position and water whenever the mix completely dries out.  The plant will not suffer too much if it stays dry for too long.  This means it is okay to fo away over summer for a number of weeks without worrying about your adenium. When in full growth, a daily water will benefit your plant. 
When dormant over winter, withhold water and keep completely dry until new growth appears in springtime. Reintroduce watering gradually as the weather warms up.


Contact us

Tel. 027 300 00 29

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© GlassTemple 2018

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